Wednesday, August 04, 2010

{Make It Public...}

While laying in bed last night, after talking for hours with Ryan (or should I say whispering-Shay sleeps in our room) I was just overcome with this tremendious gratitude. The feeling came completly out of no where; nothing out of the ordinary happened, it wasn't any kind of special day of any kind. I was just washed away with this deep feeling of utter thankfulness that I get to be married to someone I love so dearly.
I'm better with food: I have always thought of my love for Ryan like my love for cheesecake. Not the entire cheesecake but the first bite: its rich, its luxorious, it makes you close your eyes and curl your toes.
( or, substitute cheesecake with your favorite food) Just heaven...
Without making you sick to your stomache with how in love with my husband I am, I think I should make it public. 'May we all tell that someone that we love what we are dreaming of...'


Jen said...

Love those feelings :)

Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

POINTS. ha! Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Journal and spouse sppreciation.