Wednesday, October 13, 2010

{...a day in the life...}

we met friends at the park and played!
brady & abby
Kate and Alenna

the after math of our playing, haha!

after the park Brady had his speech therapy appt. this is us playing in the lobby of Cardon's Children Medical Center, which is AH-MAZING!!
How cool is that?!
Shaylyn  screamed when I took this checkers piece from her!
my girls really had fun playing together!
how sweet is she??


Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

She is way too cute! I love our kiddos!

Hilarie said...

Shaylyn is so cute!

The Tryons said...

lol, Shaylin is such a cutie pie! (As are your other kiddos :) )

-The Bergen Family- said...

thanks guys! ;)