Tuesday, November 09, 2010

{Is It November Yet??!}

Believe it or not our little Alenna, who is not so little anymore, turned 4 on the 7th! Her birthday fell on a Sunday so on Saturday night I got a sitter and took her out on a 'date.' Just her and me! :)
She requested that we eat at Panda
She has been asking for about 6 months now, "Is it November YET?!?"
Then we hit the mall and got new lip gloss :)
She wanted to see Toy Story 3 in 3D, so thats where we went next.
Unfortunatly, about half way through she kept asking to go home becuase she was so tired.
So I took her home and put her to bed.

The next morning I made her favorite breakfast 
(anything with bacon ;) ) 
and she opened presents:
 yeah present time!

the babies gave her a tea set...

Daddy went a little more intellectual....

Mommy went for style...
 Alenna got to go to her favorite place on her birthday: Primary!
She was beyond excited that they all sang to her

After church and naps we went to Mema and Papa's house to celebrate Alenna and Shay's birthdays!  (Shay's is on Fri)
This is the cake I had ordered for them, it turned out perfect!
Lenna was in princess heaven! Cake and tons more presents...
Happy Birthday Alenna!!
We love you!

1 comment:

Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

What a fun birthday! The cake looks so cute :D