Thursday, August 05, 2010


Today we packed up the children and went on an adventure!
 We needed to pick up a ladder in Buckeye, which is about an hour and a half ONE WAY.
We drove there talking about 'spider burps' LOL...we got to our destination and parked at a park and let the children run off their energy and stretch their legs.
Soon after we loaded up the ladder we ate at Chipotle- my most recent favorite!

Then Ryan took us to 'Supermercado de Walmart.' Or 'Bizzaro Walmart' like I call it.
It was CRAZY!!
Everything in spanish, there was a butcher, mexican candy, and spanish foods and produce! It is actually part of an expierment: there are 2 in the nation; one here on 91st ave & Thomas and one in Texas.
From the looks of it I'd say its a huge success!
We also met another little girl named Alenna!
Bizaro World...I mean Walmart indeed!


Shaun Nansel Whipple said...

Very weird! Hey eventually they will all be spanish here. uggghhh

-The Bergen Family- said...


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